Serving the DC Dance Community Since 2014
Summer DanceLAb

Monday 6/16/2025 – Saturday 7/12/2025
(Only Only Saturday – 7/12)

Since 2014, Summer DanceLab has provided an opportunity for aspiring 7-young adult dancers to train in a pre-professional dance environment training eight hours a day, from one to four weeks of dance study during the summer. We provide pre-professional dance training that informs and encourages, the pursuit of post-secondary education, healthy living, mentorship, self and life skill mastery. The Summer DanceLab is part of The Ngoma School – the official school of Dissonance Dance Theatre – and is central to our effort to empower a generation of young artists to be the change agents of their community.

Program Location:

The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center (UMD)
Dance Dept Studios – School of Theatre, Dance, & Performance Studies
8270 Alumni Dr, College Park, MD 20742

Audition Schedule 2025

The Ngoma School has canceled Summer DanceLab for 2025. Questions about Fall 2025 or Summer 2026? Contact Fran, Registrar, at 

Information and registration for local DC area auditions can be found on the audition registration page. Financial Assistance program available

Program Levels

Level I Description

Level I
Ages: Seven to 12 years old.
None to minimal experience needed

This level is designed to enhance and expand the student’s knowledge, technical proficiency and performance quality in classical ballet, modern, jazz, and contemporary. Students will gain an understanding of the basic principles, vocabulary, poses & positions of the above styles; introducing centerwork, adage/adagio, allegro basics.

Focus and Emphasis
* Learn proper body alignment along with flexibility, strength, posture, balance, expression and movement quality.
* Learn and execute all components of a class.
* Understand a working knowledge of fundamental Classical Ballet history and vocabulary.

Level II Description

Level II
Ages: 12-16 years old.

Three years of pre-professional experience required

This level is designed to enhance and expand the student’s knowledge, technical proficiency, and performance quality in classical ballet, modern, jazz, and contemporary dance styles. To continue to develop the student in the
rigors of the above styles, through advance beginning/intermediate skills including the use of demi-pointe, pirouettes (intro), batterie, and grand allegro steps.

Focus and Emphasis

* Continue the learning and usage of proper body alignment along with flexibility, strength, posture, balance, expression, and movement quality.

* Facilitate learned skills throughout all components of the class.

* Students will begin to utilize their working knowledge of dance fundamentals.



Level III Description

Ages: 16 – 24 years old.

Four years of pre-professional experience required

This level is designed to enhance and expand the student’s knowledge, technical proficiency and performance quality in classical ballet, modern, jazz, and contemporary dance. To continue to develop the student in the rigors of the above styles, through intermediate/advance skills including the use of continuous demi pointe work, tournant, batterie, and grand allegro steps. Class combinations are quick and require a refined technical approach to classwork.

Focus and Emphasis

* Begin to master proper body alignment along with flexibility, strength, posture, balance, expression and movement quality; additionally adding learned kinesthetic/somatic education.

* Utilize classes to enhance and synthesize dance training: cognitively and physically.

* Apply knowledge of fundamental classical ballet and modern dance history and vocabulary to all classes and choreographic assignments.



Uniform Requirements
Uniform requirements will be announced in the first week of May. 

Program Times, Tuition & Fees

Program Hours:
Free Before Care 7:30am – 8:15am
Summer Program 8:30am – 5:15pm
Free After Care 5:30pm – 6:30pm

Free Before and After Care
*Tuition: $1,800 $1000 per student
Questions? Check Out Our Summer DanceLab Frequently Asked Questions!

More Questions? 
Email Fran Twyman, Registrar, at

Housing Options
Umd Dorm outside

Summer DanceLab will not conduct UMD Student housing this year. However, we have compiled a list of housing options for families who wish to collaborate resources to house multiple students through chaperons utilizing popular housing platforms and hotels.